..: Route 046 Lomnice nad Popelkou – Stará Paka - Česká republika :..
Back to list of routes | Photos from this route (48) | Service alterations for today | Train compositions on this route (28)Route map 046
0 žst Lomnice nad Popelkou (480m) [SM] 064 | Foursquare
3 Nová Ves nad Popelkou z Not serviced (440m) [SM] |  
5 Syřenov z Not serviced (410m) [SM] |  
hr.VUSC 0510/0520 02   
7 Ústí u Staré Paky z Not serviced (405m) [JC] |  
9 žst Stará Paka (420m) [JC] 030 040 | Foursquare
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