..: Fotogaléria - detaily fotografie Alstom Prima :..

Alstom Prima

Alstom PrimaInformace o fotografii:
 - Místo focení: Velký zkušební okruh VUZ
 - Datum: 20.11.2009
 - Szerző: Chary  E-mail küldése a szerzőnek
 - Pozn.: odvozeno od řady Prima 6000
 - Zobrazeno: 7437x
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20.11.2009 (23:28)  
Ehm, if you like these machines then there's a question whether is trainspotting in China prohibited or not. :)
20.11.2009 (23:21)  
I would like to steal one from China for OSE...I like it!:P
20.11.2009 (23:05)  
This prototype must be one of the new freight Locomotives for Chinese railways...I think..
20.11.2009 (23:06)  

Bull's eye
20.11.2009 (21:19)  
240.025: Well, it´s only a matter of opinion...MTAB IORE, ZNLE E6ACT and even a Voith Maxima 30CC are strong and beautiful too :o) I think that "our" DNT´s class 184 is less ugly than this blue mass of steel...and 184 IS ugly indeed :oD
20.11.2009 (21:07)  
Martin: well, you think it is ugly, but it doesn´t matter... Cargo locomotive couldn't be sharp but it must be powerfull...
20.11.2009 (21:14)  

Sorry, but didn't you mean "Cargo locomotives don't have to be..."?
20.11.2009 (20:53)  
BillG: Don´t be affraid that you´ll have an opportunity to meet this ugly thing in Greece :o) Design of the body is completely following the design of Prima series, that are hauling trains in France (even in diesel-electric modification), mostly for SNCF, but you can find it also as a part of Veolia´s stock. This six-axle mammoth is the first electric C0-C0 in Alsthom's product range...at least I think so :o)
20.11.2009 (20:36)  
Hehe!Sorry i wrote it wrong..:P
I don't find prety the first generation primas but this one is very good looking without the buffers and the other changes i see on it
20.11.2009 (20:13)  
BillG: definitely not a witch country, we are not witches around here ;-)

It is an Alstom made prototype of a 6-axle heavy freight locomotive (derived from 4-axle Prima 6000 class) undegroing some tests at the test track near Cerhenice, Czech Republic.

20.11.2009 (19:54)  
Where is this?Witch country?
20.11.2009 (18:45)  
Jak to děláš, že na okruhu chytneš vždycky něco pěknýho? Já tam byl dvakrát a skoro nic, jen jednou mi tam projela nějaká ošklivá patrová souprava. :-(
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