..: Fotogalerie - detaily fotografie 520 :..


520Informace o fotografii:
 - Místo focení: Eleftherochori - Bralos
 - Datum: 15.3.2008
 - Autor: BillG 
 - Pozn.: AEG DMU IC at Papadia bridge
 - Zobrazeno: 5166x
 - Detailní EXIF informace »
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registrovaný uživatel Qaws 
Počet komentářů uživatele367 »fotek 0
09.12.2009 (22:53)  
Hey, it´s great photo!!!
09.12.2009 (12:16)  
Ok,thank you. I hope, that I will have time to visit this track because it is beautiful.
09.12.2009 (11:36)  
Mira thank you...The line will be abandoned for regular service when the work on Kallidromo tunel is completed..Also signaling,laying tracks and other things must be done after Killidromo work finish...
With all that in mind the line will be abandoned probably in 2013.We will see..;)
09.12.2009 (10:04)  
Very nice shot Bill. Do you know at what time will be this track abandoned?

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